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18 Jul 2016 In this video i will show you how the fix the workshop mods not showing op in the launcher. Learn different ways of installing mods for Hearts of Iron IV. Find the desired mod at Hearts of Iron IV Workshop page. Visit mod's page and click the Subscribe 5 Nov 2019 Check if there is a Steam Workshop content download for HoI4 pending - if Workshop" in the "Upload a mod" tab, since "Paradox Mods" is not (This folder might not exist yet if you haven't downloaded any mods yet.) filled with .mod files from all the mods you have downloaded from the steam workshop. AlienMind: Well.. for some games like Hat In Time, you're fucked "The game that this item belongs too does not allow downloading of its items" So, I got the steam workshop download page to work to download mods directly. But the mods are not showing up in game. I used the following
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